FREE AI Business Name Generator

Find a business name and get your brand going.

Tell us about your idea and GoDaddy AI Domain Search creates a targeted list of business and domain names for you.

In three steps you’re on your way.

  • In your prompt, include your industry and the products or services you offer. Mention your location if you want to be instantly recognized as a local business.

  • Provide some extra details that give the vibe of your business. What do you want customers to feel when they visit your site? 

  • Add some information that separates your business from the competition. Including these extra details helps our AI provide options to make your new brand identity unforgettable.

GoDaddy Airo™

Grab a domain and let the magic of AI build your brand.

When our Business Name Generator serves up a name that appeals to you, check with your relevant government offices to see if it’s available. Then, buy your domain and let GoDaddy Airo™, our integrated AI-fueled experience, generate your logo and a Coming Soon page for your new business.


Secure Your Site

Your domain is safe with us.

Domain Protection makes it virtually impossible to accidentally transfer or delete your domain.

  • Approve what account changes are allowed with identity verification.
  • Forgot to update your payment method and your domain expired? We've got you covered with Ultimate Domain Protection.
  • You'll have an extra 90 days to renew your domain if it expires, with no additional fees.*


Take payments without a website.

Use your domain to accept payments from major credit and debit cards, as well as Apple Pay and Google Pay. Only GoDaddy provides a Pay Link branded with your domain for free. Your free Pay Link allows customers to pay you from anywhere, building your brand with every transaction.
Olivia F.
GoDaddy Guide

We love to help. Seriously.

Still not sure what you need? Give us a call. We’re happy to help, even if you’re not a customer. Call us at 1-480-366-3546 and we'll chat — or get back to you as soon as we can.

Business Name Generator FAQ

What is the Business Name Generator and how does it work?

Using the magic of AI, our search engine generates business name ideas based on the information provided in your prompt – such as your name, location, business category and any other interests or descriptors that you include. It’s as easy as entering the ideas and concepts that reflect your identity and summarizing your business.

For example, if you include “Theresa” and “Bicycle” in your prompt, our AI tool won’t just stick to those two words. It’ll also bring back brand name ideas that include words like “Bike,” “Commute,” “Transport” and more.


How do I build my brand after using the Business Name Generator?

One of the coolest things about our free Business Name Generator is that it does more than just provide a list of brandable business names. It only suggests business names that have a corresponding domain name available, so you can immediately register the domain that goes with your business name and launch your new venture online right away. If there’s a domain name you like, make sure you register it right away before someone else does.

Once you have your domain registered, GoDaddy Airo, our AI-fueled, customizable experience, will guide you through the process of:

  • Revising your free Coming Soon site, automatically generated with the information you provided in your business name search prompt
  • Creating a free logo design in minutes that embodies your business
  • Establishing a domain-based professional email
  • Checking availability of social media handles related to your business name

With your business name, domain, logo, website (or online store), professional email and social media handles all taken care of, you’ll be well on your way to building and growing your brand online.

I can’t decide which name I like best. Any suggestions?

That's a good problem to have. If you're really stuck on which business name you like best, you can always register the domain for each one while you decide – that way, no one else can swoop in and grab your name while you're still thinking about it. It's a small price to pay to ensure you get the name you want.

But if you need to make a decision immediately, consider the below tips:

  • Give priority to names that will be easy for potential customers to spell and pronounce.
  • Avoid names that might be similar to a competitor's name.
  • Take a poll of friends and family, asking them which company name resonates the most.
  • Give our award-winning customer support team a call to ask their opinion.

Our customer support team will offer feedback and help walk you through the process of launching your new brand identity online, including  securing your domain, website, professional email, and even your logo.  They’ll make sure that you have everything you need to get your new venture off the ground and online.

What if the .com version of my new business name isn’t available?

We’ll show you available .com options, but we’ll also help you get creative by introducing domain name extensions such as .ninja, .store, .guru and many more. Maybe you’re located in Los Angeles and could rock a .la domain, or you’re creating a video blog that would be perfect on a .tv domain. Basically, our AI tool will do the brainstorming for you and offer up creative business names with a selection of great domain extensions that will really make you stand out online.