Hosting für Linux (cPanel) Hilfe

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Upgrade my Web Hosting (cPanel) plan

Here's how you can upgrade your Web Hosting (cPanel) plan if you need more processing power or physical memory. Upgrading your plan can make your website faster and more resilient when its traffic spikes.

Note: Although upgrades typically take from 10 to 30 minutes, for large sites allow up to 24 hours. Your sites may experience intermittent downtime until the upgrade is complete.
  1. Gehen Sie zu Ihrer GoDaddy-Produktseite.
  2. Under Web Hosting, next to the Web Hosting (cPanel) account you want to use, click Manage.
    click manage
  3. In the account Dashboard, select Account Actions > Upgrade.
    select upgrade
  4. Wählen Sie die gewünschte Tarifstufe aus und klicken Sie dann auf Upgrade.
  5. Folgen Sie den Anweisungen, um den Bezahlvorgang abzuschließen.

Weitere Informationen

  • If you're upgrading to Web Hosting Plus, your server IP address may change. After the upgrade is done, we'll email you with that new server IP address. If you're using domains in other GoDaddy accounts or with other web providers, you will need to update the A Host records accordingly.
  • Weitere Informationen zu Webhosting-Paketen finden Sie hier (außerdem erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit einem jährlichen Webhosting-Paket von GoDaddy einen kostenlosen Domainnamen erhalten können).
  • Here's where to learn more about Web Hosting Plus plans.