Managed WordPress Ecommerce Hilfe

Enable Local Pickup Plus

Step 1 of the Set up Local Pickup Plus series.

Required: Local Pickup Plus is a premium WooCommerce extension included with Managed WordPress Ecommerce, Managed WooCommerce Stores or as a standalone purchase.

The Local Pickup Plus feature allows you to offer pickup options to your customers when they check out.

To access this feature in your store:

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. Go to WooCommerce and select Settings.
  3. From the Shipping tab, select Local Pickup Plus.

In that page, you will find the following segments:


Here you can enable the local pickup option for your shop and setup the geocoding functionality:

  • Enable: Enables Local Pickup Plus.
  • Title: The shipping method name displayed to customers during checkout.
  • Google Maps Geocoding API Key: Enables geocoding for Local Pickup Plus.
  • Enable logging: Enables logging for Google geocoding API requests. We recommend leaving this disabled unless you're experiencing geocoding issues.
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Checkout Display

These settings will have you further define when Local Pickup is available and how customers can select it as a handling option:

  • Choosing Locations: Allow customers to select different pickup locations for each eligible item or limit to one pickup location per order.
  • Cart Item Handling: Determine whether customers have the option to ship or pickup eligible items individually, or if one handling method must be used for all items.
    • Applies if Choosing Locations is set to only allow one pickup location per order.
  • Default Handling: Determine whether items default to shipping or pickup when eligible.
    • Applies if Choosing Locations is set to only allow one pickup location per order.
  • Location Sort Order: Decide how pickup locations will be displayed to customers:
    • Default (displays default Pickup Locations list)
    • Distance from customer (Geocoding required)
    • Alphabetical by location name
    • Most recently added location
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Pickup Appointments

These settings let you present the option for customers to choose a pickup date and time for their order. While Pickup Appointments Mode, Appointment Duration and Lead Time Calculation settings are applied generally, the rest of these settings can be configured on pickup locations individually.

  • Pickup Appointments Mode: Determine if the appointment pickup option should be displayed and if it is required.
  • Appointment Duration: Set the expected duration of pickup appointments.
  • Appointment limits: Limit how many customers can select the same pickup time.
  • Default Business Hours: Decide when customers can pick up orders.
  • Common Public Holidays: Establish the dates that pickup will be unavailable.
    Note: Non-pickup holidays that change date will need to be reset each year.
  • Default Lead Time: Determine how much time must pass between checkout and when the customer can pickup their order.
  • Lead Time Calculation: Determine how lead time is calculated:
    • Count only open hours - Will display the earliest available pickup time based on your business hours and holidays.
    • Count calendar days - Will ignore your business hours and holidays.
  • Default Deadline: Set a default deadline that customers must pick up their orders by. Leave it set to zero if you do not want to enforce a deadline.
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Price & Tax

Here you can set local pickup to trigger a discount or fee when selected at checkout and decide how taxes should be handled.

Default Price Adjustment: Set local pickup to charge a fee or trigger a discount. Pickup Location Tax: Checking this applies tax rates to pickup orders based on the pickup location rather than the customer address.

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