Search Engine Visibility Hilfe

Set up automatic publishing for domains hosted elsewhere

If your domain name is hosted by another company, you can still use Search Engine Visibility's automatic publishing feature, though there are a few requirements:

  • Your domain name must be registered with GoDaddy
  • You must use GoDaddy's nameservers
Warning: Your website might experience a brief amount of downtime when completing these steps.

Depending on how you've set up your domain name, some of these steps might already be completed for you.

Find your IP address

You'll need to contact your website's hosting company to find your website's IP address. You should get a value from them that looks like

Set your nameservers

Your domain name needs to point to GoDaddy's nameservers to use Search Engine Visibility automatic publishing. For those instructions, see Edit my domain nameservers.

Note: If you set up Search Engine Visibility before changing your domain's nameservers to GoDaddy's, contact a GoDaddy Guide.

Point your domain to your website

To connect your domain name to your website, you'll need to point your A record to the IP address from your hosting company.

Set up Search Engine Visibility

Now you're ready to set up your Search Engine Visibility account and use automatic publishing.