GoDaddy Hilfe

What is CashParking®?

CashParking® is a service that lets you earn money on your parked domain names. If you associate your domains with your CashParking® account, our advertising partner places context-relevant advertisements on your page.

Each time a visitor clicks a displayed advertisement, you receive a share of the generated click-through revenue based on your CashParking® plan (60% to 80% of the generated revenue). The amount you receive and the price you pay for the CashParking® service depends on the plan you select.

Select a question to see its answer:

How is revenue generated?

Through our advertising partners, we place contextually relevant advertisements on your parked, CashParking® domain names. Each time a visitor clicks one of the advertisements displayed on the page, our advertising partners pay a certain amount. That revenue is split between the service provider and the domain owner, in accordance with the applicable revenue-sharing plan. For example, CashParking® customers who sign up for the 80% revenue share Premium plan receive 80% of the generated revenue while the remaining 20% goes to the service provider.

The actual revenue generated when a visitor clicks an advertisement varies and is determined by the specific advertisement on which the visitor clicked. A number of factors define which advertisements display on your page, including the quality of your domain and the amount and nature of traffic your page receives.

Note: CashParking® revenue is reported with a delay of up to 48 hours. This delay ensures that the revenue displayed in your CashParking® account shows your actual earnings, rather than a generic estimate.

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How do I get paid for my CashParking® commission?

You have several options for payment methods. You may choose to accept an ACH, eCheck, PayPal, or Wire Transfer (domestic or international in USD) from SmartName. Each payment method has a required minimum earning and associated payment fee. Check out our Payee Account guidelines for more detailed information.

Payment MethodMinimum EarningsPayment Fee*
ACHUSD $10.00USD $0.90
eCheckUSD $25.00USD $5.00
PayPalUSD $25.00USD $0.10
Wire Transfer (International)USD $25.00USD $26.00
Wire Transfer (Domestic)USD $25.00USD $15.00

*Fees may vary for international payments by country and pay method. All international payments are subject to a 3% foreign exchange rate.

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What is click fraud?

Click fraud is a common problem in Internet-based pay-per-click advertising programs. It is the act of clicking online advertisements for the purpose of generating a fraudulent or invalid per-click charge that increases the site owner's profits. Invalid clicks can be generated by manual action or through automated tools that imitate manual action.

We monitor all CashParking®-related traffic for click fraud and take appropriate action. If clicks are found to be invalid or fraudulent, we will take action, up to and including suspension or termination of a CashParking® account.

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Can I add a domain name registered elsewhere to CashParking®?

Absolutely! You can add any registered domain to your CashParking® account. If you add domains that are not registered with GoDaddy, you'll need to change the nameservers on your domain through your current registrar to the CashParking® nameservers:


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How many domains can I associate with a CashParking® account?

You can associate an unlimited number of domain names with your CashParking® account, and you can add up to 500 domains at a time. Because you can associate an unlimited number of domains with a CashParking® account and conveniently track and manage all of them through that one account, you only need one CashParking® account.

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What are the CashParking® domain statuses, and what do they mean?

You may encounter the following domain statuses listed in your CashParking® control panel:

  • Pending: The domain has been submitted and is currently in the process of resolving to the CashParking® name servers.
  • Pending Review: The domain has been submitted and is currently being reviewed for eligibility in CashParking®. Your domain should process within 72 hours.
  • Active: CashParking® is active for the domain in question. The domain has been submitted and is resolved to the CashParking® name servers.
  • Ineligible: The domain you have submitted has been reviewed and is not eligible for CashParking®. Reasons for ineligibility could be due to, but are not limited to, potential trademark concern, a qualification requirement from our upstream feed providers or domain ownership.
  • Error: An attempt was made to add a domain that is not associated with your customer account because the domain is registered with us under a different shopper number. If you encounter this error and are the legal owner of the domain, log in to the account that contains the domain and add it to your CashParking® account.
  • Removed: You removed the domain from your CashParking® account, or the domain was in Pending status for more than seven days and we set it to Removed status.

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Why aren't advertisements displayed on my CashParking® site?

Failure to display advertisements on your CashParking® website can be caused by various issues, such as:

  • New account: New accounts don't display ads immediately. Your account may still be setting up pending review of the domains you have added.
  • Incorrect name servers: Ensure that your domain name is set up with the CashParking® nameservers.
  • Inappropriate domains: Advertisements might have been blocked due to the inappropriateness of your domain name. This will generally result in a “Removed” status for your domain name in the CashParking® control panel.
  • Expired membership: If your CashParking® account expires, all domains are automatically removed from the CashParking® account.

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Why did I receive an error message when adding a domain name to my CashParking® account?

You may encounter issues when adding domains to your CashParking® account. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Some domains aren't currently supported by CashParking® and cannot be added to your account.
  • The domain is currently active in a different CashParking® account. A domain cannot be associated with more than one CashParking® account at a time.
  • The account was suspended because it violated the CashParking® Terms of Service Agreement. You can log in to CashParking® and access reports, but you cannot add or manage domains. If you have questions, contact Customer Support.
  • Your CashParking® subscription expired. When the subscription expired, your account was suspended and will be canceled if it isn't renewed.

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Why is my CashParking® account suspended?

We suspend CashParking® accounts when the CashParking® Terms of Service Agreement is violated. You'll receive an email notification explaining the suspension, and you'll see an alert in your CashParking® dashboard.

Once your CashParking® account has been suspended, we can't remove that suspension and you won't be able to use CashParking® services through us or our partners. If your account is suspended, you can still access your CashParking® dashboard, but most features will be disabled.

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Related steps

More info

  • Don't forget to enable auto renew to make sure your domain registration continues uninterrupted.