Issue: iOS Apple Mail users with trouble connecting to M365 email, <a href="/help/microsoft-365-accounts-are-disconnected-from-apple-mail-on-ios-42600">resolve here.</a>
Select SSL certificates and then Manage next to the Managed SSL you're working with.
The next step depends on what type of SSL you have.
To reopen a ticket for a Standard SSL
Scroll to Support Communication for this Managed SSL. Type a comment, and then select Reply.
This will reopen the Managed SSL ticket. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response.
To reopen a ticket for a UCC SSL san or Wildcard SAN
After you select Manage, the system will bring you to the main domain on the Managed UCC or Wildcard SSL. If you need to reopen the Primary, type a comment and select Reply under Support Communication for this Managed SSL.
If you need to reopen another domain on the UCC SSL, click Back in the top left.
This will bring you to, where you can find the domain you are working with.
On the card with the domain or subdomain, find the HTTPS and click Details.
On the next page, scroll until you see Support Communication for this Managed SSL, then type a comment and select Reply.
This will reopen the Managed SSL ticket. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response.