The Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the “[Policy](”), has been adopted by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (“ICANN”), and sets forth the terms and conditions in connection with a dispute between a registrant and any party (other than the registrar) over the registration and use of an Internet domain name. The Policy is incorporated by reference into the Domain Name Registration Agreement entered into between domain name registrants and their registrars. Domains By Proxy (“DBP”) is a privacy registration service; it is not a registrar. Both domain name registrants who utilize DBP’s privacy registration service and those who would dispute the registration and use of an Internet domain name by a DBP customer are advised to refer to the Policy as well as the applicable Domain Name Registration Agreement. DBP routinely receives notices from its affiliated registrars informing it of the filing of various administrative proceedings under the Policy. Upon receipt of such notices, DBP cancels its privacy service for the domain name that is the subject of the Policy dispute and notifies its customer about the cancellation of service. DBP does not and will not participate in the administration or conduct of any Policy proceedings and will not be liable as a result of any decisions rendered by any administrative panel adjudicating such Policy proceedings. In the event that DBP is named as a party in any such Policy proceedings, it reserves the right to raise any and all defenses deemed appropriate and to take any other action necessary to defend itself.