GoDaddy Poynt Smart Terminal Help

Change the GoDaddy smart terminal passcode

Owners can change owner, manager and employee passcodes whenever you need, such as for security reasons, or reset it if you forget it. When changing an owner passcode on a POS device, an email will be sent to the owner to complete the request.

Note: The ability to update passcodes through the web browser is currently limited, and will be expanded soon. If you don't see this option in your dashboard yet, use the GoDaddy smart terminal to make adjustments.
  1. Sign in to your In Person Overview page (use your GoDaddy username and password).
  2. Select Device Users.
  3. Select Edit User next to the person who needs a new passcode.
  4. Next to Reset Passcode, enter and confirm a new 6-digit passcode.
  5. Select Save, and then select OK.
  1. Tap your username in the upper right corner of the smart terminal screen.
  2. Under Select User, tap the username you’re changing the passcode for.
  3. Tap Reset Passcode.
  4. Either tap Log in as Owner or tap Notify Owner.
    • Log in as Owner: Enter the owner passcode. Enter the new passcode then tap Return. Confirm the new passcode by entering it again, then tap Return again.
    • Notify owner: The owner will receive an email with the subject Request to reset terminal PIN. Follow the instructions in the email to reset the passcode.

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