GoDaddy Payments Help

Connect GoDaddy Payments to my bank account

Step 2 of the GoDaddy Payments get started series

Once you’ve successfully set up GoDaddy Payments, link your bank account. This ensures that funds you process online will be transferred to your bank account on a consistent basis.

To deposit payouts, you'll need the bank routing number, account number, and the name on the account. We recommend adding the banking info during set up but it's not necessary to start accepting transactions. You can always add it later.

  1. Go to the Dashboard where you manage your Payments account (use your GoDaddy username and password).
  2. From the left-nav, select Settings, and then Payments (if prompted).
  3. From the top-nav, select Payouts.
  4. Select Link Bank Account.
  5. Complete the security challenge, then select Continue.
  6. Sign in with your bank account credentials or manually enter the account number and routing number.

    Note: Your banking sign-in info isn’t retained by GoDaddy Payments. When you sign in with banking credentials, you’re actually logging into your bank’s website directly, using Plaid. Plaid is a service that securely connects your bank to GoDaddy Payments. If you don't recognize the bank account number listed in your settings, it may be because Plaid used a substitute bank account number for security purposes.

  7. Allow access to your transaction history, account holder information and account balance.

After you've completed these steps, we’ll automatically deposit and withdraw $0.01 from your account to verify your bank information. This transaction won’t hold up any of your payouts. It may take until the next business day or longer for the transaction to be reflected in your bank account. If there’s an issue with this transaction, we’ll send you an email with further instructions.

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