Website Security and Backups Help

Restore my site using Website Security and Backups

After your backup has completed successfully, you can restore your site files or databases from the Website Security and Backups dashboard.

Warning: Before performing a restore, make sure you don't need any data from the current version of your site. Restoring a backup permanently overwrites your current data, and this action can't be undone.
  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Next to Website Security and Backups, select Manage All.
  3. For the site you want to restore, under Backups, select Details.
  4. In the calendar, select a desired backup date, and then select Restore Backup. If you have multiple backups on the same day, choose the desired backup by selecting it from the dropdown list.
  5. Choose one or both restore options by ensuring the appropriate checkboxes are selected:
    • Restore files: Restore your site files.
    • Restore databases: Restore your databases.
  6. Select Continue.

A success message will confirm that your backup has been restored.

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