GoDaddy Security

Keeping you safe through every click.

Secure when you sign in.

When it comes to protecting your data, a strong password isn’t strong enough. We offer 2-step verification to ensure your account is safe even if your password isn’t.
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Secure when you check out.

From the moment you land on our site, your data is protected with AES-256 encryption. How strong is that? Well top national security agencies use it for top secret information, and that's something.
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Built to take on the world.

Every day, our servers handle billions (with a B) of requests. And every month, we block more than 1,000 DDoS attacks. Our monitoring and detection mechanisms are designed to help prevent threats before they impact you or your customers.
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Security vulnerability? Report a bug.

Let’s face it, bugs in the form of a security vulnerability should never be ignored. That’s why we want to hear from you if you come across something unusual on the site – and we’ll take it from there. Oh, and a big thank you ahead of time, we greatly appreciate this.

Have an issue that affects your account? Visit our Help Center.

  1. Trust Center
  2. Security