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Choose my video end-screen options

When you add a video that's hosted on YouTube or Vimeo, you can control what your customers see when the video ends by adjusting the channel or video settings.


YouTube videos don't play one after another continuously. Instead, when the video is over, it shows thumbnails for videos from the same YouTube channel.

If you own the Youtube channel, you can choose what your customers see by managing the list of videos in your channel. If you're presenting a YouTube video from a channel other than your own, thumbnails of that channel's videos will appear after the video ends.


Vimeo has a playlist feature and many other end-screen options available to choose from including other videos, a call-to-action (CTA), custom image and more. Or, you can choose to not show anything to the user once the video ends.
  1. In Vimeo's video settings, select Interaction tools, and then select After Video.
  2. Choose Empty from the End Screen list.
Note: Most web browsers will restrict autoplaying videos when a page initially loads, even if you've selected that feature in the video's settings.

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