Hosting para Linux (cPanel) Ayuda

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Back up a database with the cPanel Backup Wizard

Note: Create database backups automatically with Website Backup.

Here's how to use the cPanel Backup Wizard to create a manual backup of your website's database in Web Hosting (cPanel).

  1. Ve a la página del producto de GoDaddy.
  2. Under Web Hosting, next to the Web Hosting (cPanel) account you want to backup, select Manage.
    select manage
  3. En el Panel de control de la cuenta, selecciona Admin de cPanel .
  4. In the cPanel Home page, in the Files section, select Backup Wizard.
  5. In the cPanel Backup Wizard page, select Back Up.
  6. Debajo de Seleccionar copia de seguridad parcial , selecciona Bases de datos MySQL .
  7. Below Final Step, in the Databases list select the database filename. If your web browser prompts you to save the file, select OK.

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