GoDaddy Studio Ayuda

I forgot my GoDaddy Studio username or password

If you’ve forgotten your GoDaddy Studio username or password, there are a few things you can do.

Did you sign up with an email address?

When you sign in to GoDaddy Studio, make sure your username and password are correct. Your password is case-sensitive.

If you can’t remember which email address you used, search for “godaddy” or “overhq” in your email inbox (GoDaddy Studio used to be called Over). If you find a welcome email from GoDaddy or the Over team, try signing in with that email address. 

If you're still having trouble signing in, you may need to reset your username or password.

If you don’t get the password reset email within 24 hours:

  • Double-check your account email—are you using the same email address you created your account with?
  • Check your email spam folder to make sure our password reset email hasn’t slipped through the cracks.

Did you sign up using your Apple, Facebook or Google account?

If so, we won’t be able to retrieve your username or send you a password reset email. You’ll need to follow their procedure for recovering your account details, then come back to GoDaddy Studio and sign in.

Note: Signing in with Google is not the same as choosing to sign in with email and then entering your Gmail address.

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