GoDaddy Aide

Adjust tip settings for GoDaddy Payments

You can give your customers the option to add a tip to their order during in-person transactions. After a customer has swiped their card, they'll be given the option to select one of 3 customized tipping options or enter their own tip amount.

If this is your first time enabling tips, you'll be guided through a series of questions to optimize the settings for your business. Afterwards, you can view and customize your settings whenever you'd like.

Note: Some types of businesses aren't eligible to receive tips. If the option to tip doesn't appear during in-person transactions, tips may have been disabled for the type of business you operate. To find out if you can re-enable tips for your business, please contact us for assistance. Our GoDaddy Guides are here to help.
  1. Go to the Dashboard where you manage your Payments account (use your GoDaddy username and password).
  2. Select Settings, then Tips.
  3. Turn on the Ask for Tips option.
  4. Select which types of tips you want to enable.
    • Use Smart Tips to set three tip options based on the amount of the order - above or below $10.00.
    • Use Custom Tips to set three tip options that always appear, regardless of order amount.
  5. Set your tip amounts.
    • Select Amount ($) to offer a set of tipping options in dollar amounts.
    • Select Percentage (%) to offer a set of tipping options as a percentage of the transaction’s total value.
    • Enter an amount or percentage in each of the boxes.
  6. Select Save.

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