Managed WordPress Ecommerce Aide

How do I set up and schedule a recovery email?

Recovery emails are a powerful automated email that can help to recover lost revenue from abandoned carts. Set up recovery emails to remind customers to finish placing their orders.

Required: Abandoned cart tracking and cart recovery emails are built-in features included with Managed WordPress Ecommerce and Managed WooCommerce Stores.

Activate cart recovery emails

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. Navigate to Marketing and click on Emails.
  3. Select the Emails tab.
  4. Under Campaigns, click on Cart Recovery. This will open the cart recovery page where you can activate and edit the email.
    Note: The cart recovery email is deactivated by default.
  5. Toggle Inactive to activate the email.
  6. The email is now activated! You can customize the email by clicking on the Edit button.

Once cart recovery emails are activated, emails will be scheduled for customers with abandoned carts. When a customer receives a reminder email, there will be a cart recovery link that the customer can click on to access their abandoned cart. The recovery link will recreate the customer’s cart so that they can finish placing their order.

Carts are recreated by using a session cookie in the browser, so customers will need to click on the recovery link from the same device where they abandoned their cart. For example, if they abandoned their cart on a phone, then they will need to click on the recovery link from their phone as well. If a recovery link is clicked on from a different device, then the link will load an empty cart.

Schedule a cart recovery email

The cart recovery email comes pre-loaded with an email template that has a default sending delay of one hour after a cart is abandoned. You can customize when emails are sent by adjusting the time to send reminders after a customer abandons their cart.

For example, you can send a cart recovery email to customers two hours after they abandon items in their cart, instead of the default one hour delay.

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. Navigate to Marketing and click on Emails.
  3. Select the Emails tab.
  4. Under Campaigns, click on Cart Recovery. This will open the cart recovery page.
  5. Click on Adjust delay time and adjust the sending delay to your preferred time in the pop-up window.
    Note: Click on Sending Schedule Tips for best practices on when to send abandoned cart recovery emails.
  6. Click Save.