GoDaddy Poynt Smart Terminal Aide

Connect my GoDaddy smart terminal to a Wi-Fi connection

Connect your GoDaddy smart terminal to a secure Wi-Fi connection to start processing transactions. When you turn on your device for the first time, you’ll automatically be prompted to connect to Wi-Fi. If you need to adjust or switch your Wi-Fi connection, you can do so from your smart terminal home screen.

Note: We recommend connecting to a Wi-Fi network that’s password protected (like WPA, WPA2 or WPA2 PSK) in order to process payments safely. It’s possible to connect your device to a cellular hotspot with your Android or iOS smartphone if you need to. However, this type of connection can cause latency issues and may not be completely secure.

  1. Tap Settings on the second page of the smart terminal home screen.
  2. Tap Network Settings, and then tap Wi-Fi (under Preferences).
  3. A list of available networks will appear. Tap the Wi-Fi network you’d like to connect to.
  4. Enter the Wi-Fi password and tap Connect.

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