Managed WordPress Ecommerce Aide

Create a custom XML export format

Create a custom XML export format for your orders, customers, or coupons.

Required: Customer / Order / Coupon Export is a premium WooCommerce extension included with WordPress Ecommerce Hosting or as a standalone purchase.

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. Go to WooCommerce > Exports > Custom Formats.
  3. Select the export type that you would like to create - Orders, Customers, or Coupons.
  4. Click Add new XML format.
  5. Select an existing format to use as a starting point for your custom format and click Load, or click X to start from scratch.
  6. Update the Format Options:
    • Name: Enter an internal name for your export format.
    • Indent output: Enable to pretty print the XML output with indents, which is helpful if a human is reading the file but unnecessary otherwise.
    • Include all meta: Choose whether to include all meta in the export. Click here to learn more about adding meta to exports.
  7. Update the Column Mapping to determine which fields will appear on your export.
  8. Click Save.

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