Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy Aide

Manage my branded sign-in page

Your email sign-in page is an opportunity to show off your brand, including your logo and colors. Instead of the generic sign-in page, your team will see a custom page designed just for your business. You need to be an account owner to edit a branded sign-in page.

Required: Branded sign-in pages are only available for domains registered with GoDaddy. Make sure your domain is using GoDaddy nameservers so we can connect your page.

Create or edit page

  1. Sign in to your Email & Office Dashboard (use your GoDaddy username and password).
  2. On the leftmost side, select My Brand.
  3. Next to Custom Email Sign-in Page, select Create Page if this is your first page or Edit Page if you already have a page. (If you have multiple domains, you'll also see an option to select a domain.)
  4. Customize how you want your page to look:
    • Business Name: Enter your business name.
    • Logo: Insert your logo as a .jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .tif file. For best results, your logo should be less than 7 MB.
    • Tagline: In a few words, add something inspirational or summarize your mission.
    • Colors: Choose a primary color to use behind your logo, and a text color for your business name and tagline.
    • Background: Turn on the toggles to insert a background image, apply an overlay gradient, or select a background color.
  5. Select Save to keep your changes for later without publishing.
  6. Select Preview to see how your page looks for mobile and desktop devices.
  7. Select Publish to apply your changes to your sign-in page. If this is your first time publishing, we'll connect your domain, which can take a few minutes.
    Overview of branded sign-in page for California Flower Farms

After publishing, it can take up to 24 hours for the domain to propagate so you can see your updated sign-in page.

Select My Brand in the upper-left corner to return to the Email & Office Dashboard. You'll see a preview of your saved sign-in page.

Unpublish page

  1. Sign in to your Email & Office Dashboard (use your GoDaddy username and password).
  2. On the leftmost side, select My Brand.
  3. Next to Edit Page, select the arrow, and then Unpublish.
    Arrow and unpublish button
  4. Select Unpublish to confirm. Your page will reset to the generic sign-in page.

Note: If you experience issues with your branded sign-in page, you might need to update your browser settings. In Firefox, turn off enhanced tracking protection, and in Chrome incognito mode, select Allow all cookies.

Related step

  • We offer a Logo Design service where our experienced designers help you create a logo to match your preferences, business, and style.
  • If you’d like to create the logo yourself, we also have an easy-to-use free logo maker.

More info

  • Bookmark your sign-in page, email.yourdomain.tld, to make it easy for you and your team to access email. For example, if your domain is, your sign-in page will be
  • Another way to promote your brand is with custom email signatures.