Websites + Marketing Aide

Hide online appointment services

When you want to pause new bookings of a specific service but not completely delete it, you can hide it so it doesn't appear on your Websites + Marketing site. This is useful when planning a vacation, taking a break, or for any other reason that you might need to clear your upcoming schedule.

  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Scroll to Websites + Marketing and select Manage next to your site.
  3. On your dashboard, expand Appointments, and then select Services.
  4. Select the service you want to hide from appearing on your site.
  5. To hide the service, switch the Show on your website toggle to No.
    Note: Hiding a service will not affect existing bookings for that service. It only prevents new visitors from seeing the service on your site.

Your hidden service will no longer be visible on your website. You'll also see Hidden above the name of your service on the Services page.

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