Websites + Marketing Aide

Connect my Websites + Marketing site to a GoDaddy domain I already own

Connect your Websites + Marketing site to your unique GoDaddy domain to individualize and enhance your brand.

Required: To connect your GoDaddy domain to your Websites + Marketing site, the two need to be in the same GoDaddy account. If your domain is in a different GoDaddy account, first transfer your domain to the same GoDaddy account as your Websites + Marketing website, and then follow the steps in this article.
  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Scroll down, expand Websites + Marketing and select Manage next to your website.
  3. Select Edit Website or Edit Site to open your website builder.
  4. Select Settings.
  5. Next to your domain name, select Manage.
    Manage the domain connected to your website
  6. If you haven't yet connected your website to a domain, select On a domain I already own. If you're already connected to a domain, select Change my domain.
  7. Select the domain you want from the list, and then select Continue. (If your GoDaddy domain isn't in the list, it may be in a different account and you'll need to first transfer your domain to the same GoDaddy account as your Websites + Marketing website.)
  8. Check the domain is correct and it's the selected option, and then select Save & Publish. It usually takes a few minutes for the changes to show, but it can take up to 72 hours.
Note: The cost of hosting your website is separate from the cost of your domain. To better understand the differences, take our introductory course on domains.

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