Create a custom XML export format
Create a custom XML export format for your orders, customers, or coupons.
Required: Customer / Order / Coupon Export is a premium WooCommerce extension included with WordPress Ecommerce Hosting or as a standalone purchase.
- Sign in to WordPress.
- Go to WooCommerce > Exports > Custom Formats.
- Select the export type that you would like to create - Orders, Customers, or Coupons.
- Click Add new XML format.
- Select an existing format to use as a starting point for your custom format and click Load, or click X to start from scratch.
- Update the Format Options:
- Name: Enter an internal name for your export format.
- Indent output: Enable to pretty print the XML output with indents, which is helpful if a human is reading the file but unnecessary otherwise.
- Include all meta: Choose whether to include all meta in the export. Click here to learn more about adding meta to exports.
- Update the Column Mapping to determine which fields will appear on your export.
- When adding columns, the data source determines what data will appear in the export. You can select an option from the list, add a custom meta key, or add a static value.
- Click Save.