Professional Email Help

Add my Professional Email to Thunderbird

Step 5 of the Set up my Professional Email series.

Add your Professional Email account to Thunderbird for Mac or Windows PC. Then you can send and receive email from your computer.

  1. Open Thunderbird.
    Thunderbird Icon, blue bird with white envelope
  2. If you're a new user, skip to step 5. Otherwise, in the lower-left corner, select Thunderbird settings menu, settings gear Settings.
  3. Select Account Settings.
    account settings from settings menu TB
  4. Select Account Actions, and then Add Mail Account.
    add mail account from account settings TB
  5. Enter your full name, email address and password, and then select Continue.
  6. If your IMAP server settings are detected, they will be filled in automatically. Select Done, and then skip to step 8.
  7. If your IMAP server settings are not detected, select Configure Manually, and enter the following, and then select Done.
    • Under INCOMING SERVER, make sure the fields are as follows:
      • Hostname:
      • Port: 993
      • Connection Security: SSL/TLS
      • Authentication Method: Normal Password
    • Under OUTGOING SERVER, make sure the fields are as follows:
      • Hostname:
      • Port: 465
      • Connection Security: SSL/TLS
      • Authentication Method: Normal Password
  8. You'll see a confirmation when your account is successfully added to Thunderbird. Select Finish.

You can now use your Professional Email in Thunderbird!