Managed WordPress Help

Upload your site files

Required: You'll need the following to complete these steps:
  • A file transfer protocol (FTP) app to move your site files. We recommend FileZilla.
  • If your WordPress site is hosted in a Managed WooCommerce Stores plan, you'll need to set up SFTP access before you can connect with an FTP app.

Step 3 of the Migrate my WordPress site manually series.

It's time to upload the site files you downloaded in the earlier step — Download your site files. A large site with many images or other media files will increase the amount of time needed to complete the upload. These steps assume you're using FileZilla as your FTP app.

  1. Connect to the new WordPress site with an FTP app. (Need help connecting with FTP?)
  2. In FileZilla on the Local site side, find the wp-content folder you downloaded earlier. Select the folder then right-click (Windows) or control + mouse button (macOS) and select then Upload.
    select the folder to upload
  3. You'll see a warning that the Target file already exists. Select Overwrite, Always use this action, and Apply to current queue only.
    select overwrite options
  4. Select OK.

Do not continue to the next step until the FTP app finishes uploading your files. Larger sites will take longer to upload.

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