Websites + Marketing Bantuan

What to include in my About section

Your About section helps your business come to life in the minds of your visitors.

Humanize your business and attract potential customers by touting your achievements, showcasing your team’s quirks, and revealing the people behind your brand.

The most important elements of an About section include:

  • Who you are
  • Why you’re running your business
  • Who your ideal customer is
  • What you hope to inspire in their lives

Let’s go a little deeper into each element’s purpose, and how you can create your own.

Who you are

You can expect most of your visitors to know a little something about your business, but don’t forget the importance of organic search traffic that will begin to trickle into your site over time.

Your About section is the best place to capture that search attention by packaging your business in a 15-second elevator pitch.

This includes specifics like:

  • Business name
  • Core product offerings
  • Location (if dependent on sales)
  • A quick mention of the founders or current owners of the business. Don’t be shy, include a photo of yourselves or your team in action!

Keep things concise but remember that each of these elements will help inform search algorithms on which eyeballs to send your way. And in the end, that’s what you want, someone who is intending to find a business like yours selling exactly what you’re offering.

Why you’re running your business

If you think deep down about businesses you love, you’ll likely recognize there’s a meaningful reason that business exists. And if you think about your business, you’ll recognize your own reasons for starting it.

This is where it can begin to feel cheesy. We get caught in our heads, spinning our wheels, thinking no one would care. Or we might think our reasons for starting our business are silly or unimportant.

The truth of the matter is that your why will resonate with others. Because, after all, you’re a human, and you’re looking to do business with other humans. We love a good story, so tell yours!

Your ideal customer

Who do you serve? What specific person do you think would absolutely flip for your product or service? Find a simple way to conceptualize that person and jot down the basic characteristics.

Example: “We serve that on-the-go professional who doesn’t have a spare moment to consider where their produce comes from, but cares deeply about eating healthy.”

A simple mention in your About section sets the intention of who you want to attract. The search algorithms are advanced sorting machines that know an incredible amount about each user. Don’t discount the rapidly advancing technology behind a simple search field.

Including a few key characteristics about your ideal customer will help your business float to the top of their searches.

What you hope to inspire in their lives

Close with your wish for how your product or service will elevate your ideal customer’s life.

Will you revolutionize how Sally in Seattle sources her salads? Will you help kickstart her healthy eating habits in a sustainable and ongoing manner?

Example: “Your life is busy enough, so let us make sure your fridge is stocked with the freshest greens all year long.”

Remind your customers how their life will improve when they buy in to your passion. After all, that’s why you started your business.

Putting it all together

Once you present who you are, the reason you’re in business, who you want to attract and what you hope to do for them, you’ve got yourself a solid About us section.

Pair that with some simple contact info, a few nifty pictures and your site is ready for primetime!

Remember, launching a site starts with a trickle of attention. Don’t expect an avalanche of new customers overnight. This is a slow process, one that requires patience to allow search engines to find your site and rank it accordingly.

It’s always best to have your name out there. And with these tips, your business will have the presentation, and vital information, to stand out from the crowd and attract exactly the customers you’re seeking.

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