Domains Bantuan

Edit a domain profile

Edit the settings of your domain profiles to change specific details. Any changes you make to a profile will be automatically applied to any domains currently assigned to that profile.

  1. Sign in to your GoDaddy Domain Portfolio. (Need help logging in? Find your username or password.)
  2. Select the Profiles icon above your domain list, choose the profile to edit, and then select Edit Profile.
    select edit profile
  3. Customize the settings for your profile. If you select Not specified, domains using this profile won't have those settings changed and will keep their current settings.
    • Domain Defaults: Choose your auto-renew and domain lock default settings.
    • Contact Info: Enter the contact info that will be applied to domains assigned to this profile.
    • Nameservers: Choose whether to use GoDaddy nameservers or enter custom third-party nameservers.
    • Forwarding: Set up domain forwarding to redirect visitors to a different website.
  4. Select Save to apply your changes. All domains currently assigned to this profile will automatically update to the new settings.

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