SSL Certificates Bantuan

Exchange Server 2016: Generate CSRs (Certificate Signing Requests)

Before you can request a certificate through our portal, you need to use the Exchange Admin Center to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for your website.

If you need to secure more than one domain name, we recommend that you use a Multiple Domain Unified Communications Certificate (UCC) with your Microsoft® Exchange Server. For more information, see What is a Multiple Domain (UCC) SSL certificate?

  1. Log in to the Exchange Admin Center.
  2. From the left menu, select Servers, and then click Certificates.
  3. Click + to start the Exchange Certificate wizard.
  4. Select Create a request for a certificate from a certification authority, and then click Next.
  5. Enter a friendly name to identify this certificate, and then click Next.
  6. If your CSR is for a wildcard certificate, select Request a wildcard certificate, enter the root domain name, and then click Next. Otherwise, click Next without selecting or entering anything.
  7. For Store certificate request on this server, click Browse, select a server to store the pending certificate request, click OK, and then click Next.
  8. Select and/or add the domain names (also know as Subject Alternative Names or SANs) that you will use to reference or connect to your Exchange server, and then click Next.
  9. Add your organization’s information, and then click Next:
    • Organization name — Enter the full legal name of your company or organization.
    • Department name — Enter the organization within the company (such as IT Department) responsible for the certificate.
    • Country/Region name — Select the country where the organization is legally registered.
    • City/Locality — Enter the full name of the city where your organization is registered.
    • State/Province — Enter the full name of the state or province where your organization is registered. If you do not have a state or province, enter your city information.
  10. Enter a valid path (such as \\myserver\admin\csr.req) to save your CSR on your computer, and then Finish. Your pending certificate request displays in the Exchange Admin Center.