WordPress Bantuan

Use headings on my WordPress post or page

Headings (a title and subtitles) help your site's visitors, as well as search engines and screen readers, better understand the structure of your content. In WordPress, you can use different heading levels from H1 to H6, with H1 being the main title of an article.

Before proceeding with the steps to add headings and subheadings, check out this video from learn.wordpress.org by Sarah Snow to find out more about the proper usage of headings in WordPress as well as how they help with readability, SEO and accessibility.

Add the main title (H1 heading)

When you create a new post or page, you should add a unique title to it to distinguish it from other posts or pages. This is the main title labeled with the H1 tag and it shows up in the search engines when they display your content. Each post or page should have only one H1 heading.

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. On the left-side menu, select Posts or Pages and then select Add New.
  3. In the Add title box, enter the title you want to use for this post or page.
  4. At the top-right corner, select one of the following options:
    • Save draft to save the draft and edit the post or page later, or
    • Publish if you added content to that post or page and it's ready to be published.

Add subheadings

Subheadings are labeled with tags from H2 to H6. The H2 subtitles are added first, to provide the general structure to a post or page. If, under one H2 subtitle, there are several topics that could have their own subtitles, the H3 tag should be used here, and so on. Unlike the H1 title, H2-H6 subtitles can be added to a post or page more than once.

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. On the left-side menu, select Posts or Pages.
  3. Hover over the post or page you want to edit and then select Edit.
  4. At the upper-left corner, select wordpress plus icon Toggle block inserter.
  5. On the left-side menu, under Text, select Heading. The heading block will be added to the bottom of the page.
  6. Select the heading block and then enter the heading text.
  7. (Optional) Select the heading block and then select and hold wordpress drag icon Drag to move the block around the post or page.
  8. (Optional) Select the heading block and then select an option with the H2-H6 tags to change the heading level.
  9. Repeat Steps 4-8 until you add all subheadings to the post or page.
  10. Select Update.

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