Web Hosting (cPanel) Bantuan

Install an SSL using AutoSSL on my Web Hosting (cPanel)

We’ve added AutoSSL, a cPanel feature which periodically scans your Web Hosting (cPanel) account and will automatically install a free DV SSL (or renew expired certificates) on domains that meet the install requirements. If needed for troubleshooting, you can also manually run AutoSSL.

Required: For AutoSSL to work on your domain you must:
Note: AutoSSL is included with most Web Hosting (cPanel) plans. You can view our website for details.
  1. Sign in to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Select Web Hosting. Then, next to the Linux Hosting account you want to use, select Manage.
    click manage
  3. In the hosting account Dashboard, select cPanel Admin.
  4. On the cPanel home page, in the Security section, select SSL/TLS Status.
  5. Select the checkboxes for your desired domains, or select the top checkbox to select all.
  6. Select Run AutoSSL.

A success message will confirm your SSL successfully installed. Your AutoSSL certificates will automatically be renewed.

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