Websites + Marketing Bantuan

Format my online store product spreadsheet

When you import products into your online store, your spreadsheet must be saved as a .csv file and formatted based on the guidelines below.

  • The best way to make sure you have a correctly formatted spreadsheet is to either use the starter template (instructions below) or export products from your online store and make changes there.
  • If you already have a spreadsheet of products from another source, copy and paste your information into the starter template. That way your spreadsheet will be formatted correctly.
  • You can start with a blank spreadsheet but it's not recommended. If you're missing required columns, your .csv file won't upload and if you have optional columns that aren't named correctly, they won't be imported into your store. It's best to use the starter template or your exported products from your Websites + Marketing online store.

Download the starter template

  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Scroll down, expand Websites + Marketing and select Manage next to your site.
  3. On your dashboard, expand Store, and then select Products.
  4. Select Import/Export, and then Import.
  5. Select CSV File.
  6. Select Starter Template.

Your computer will download the products_sample_file.csv spreadsheet. Find it, open it, and start filling it out. Feel free to rename it. When you're finished making your changes, upload it into your store.

Product spreadsheet guidelines

  • Your spreadsheet must contain SKU, Name and Price as column headers. If it does not contain these fields, or if products in your spreadsheet are missing these values, your spreadsheet won't be able to be imported.
  • All other fields, like Sales Price, Currency, Description, etc., are optional. If they're not in your spreadsheet as a column or if the values are blank for some of the product rows, that's okay.
  • Column fields must be named properly. Column field names are not case sensitive. HEIGHT, height, and Height will all work. But misspelling the column as Hieght or abbreviating it as Hght will not work and your values in this column won't be uploaded.
  • If your spreadsheet has extra columns (or if your columns aren't properly named), they will be ignored when you import your spreadsheet.
  • The order of the column fields doesn't matter. You can have Name, Price, SKU or you can have SKU, Name, Price. Either of these examples will be uploaded without errors.
  • Each column field, if it does have data, must be formatted correctly according to the list below. Data in a spreadsheet cell is not case-sensitive. Yes and YES and yes will all work. If the data in the cell doesn't match the requirements (for example, yeah instead if yes), your spreadsheet import will show you the error.
  • The starter template spreadsheet includes a few product examples to get you started.

Product spreadsheet fields

These are all the available fields you can put in your spreadsheet .csv file, in the order found in the starter template file.

  • SKU: (Required) A unique identification number to keep track of your inventory. Every SKU must be different! If a SKU in your spreadsheet matches a SKU already in your online store, we'll ask you to confirm you want to overwrite what's currently in your store with the new info on the spreadsheet. It can only be a combination of letters and numbers, no special characters and no decimals. For example: 100001 or DGT-RGN-GD-NTB.
  • Name: (Required) The name of the product, which also appears when visitors browse the store. It can include text, numbers and special characters.
  • Parent Product: If a product has options or add-ons, then this is the SKU of the parent product the options and add-ons are based on. It must contain the SKU of another product. For example: DGT-RGN-GD-NTB-1-4.
    Note: Only use the Parent Product SKU field for variations of that product. Leave this field blank for the line item that contains the parent product.
  • Price: (Required) How much your item costs. It must be numbers or decimals only. A maximum of 2 decimal places are allowed, but not required. Do not enter a currency sign (it will be added automatically) or a comma for thousands. For example: 7 or 7.50 or 1000 but not 1,000.
  • Sale Price: The discount price. If you have a sales price, it strikes out the Price and shows the Sales Price instead. Same format as Price.
  • Description: Tell your customers about the product. You can use text, numbers and special characters.
  • Track Inventory: Do you want to track how many items are sold? This field must be set to TRUE, Yes, Y or X if you want to track items as they're sold and FALSE, No, or N if you don't. Acceptable options are: TRUE, Yes, Y, X, FALSE, No, N.
  • QTY: The quantity, or how much of an item you have. If Track Inventory is turned on (True or Yes or X), then you must have a quantity. This must be a whole number like 4 or 18, no decimals or letters.
  • Backorder: If the quantity of your product reaches 0, do you still want people to be able to backorder the item? Use TRUE, Yes, Y or X if you want people to be able to backorder items. Acceptable options are: TRUE, Yes, Y, X, FALSE, No, N.
  • Weight: This is the item's shipping weight. You can only enter numbers or decimals like 1 or 2.4. Don't enter units like pounds, lb, ounces, oz, kilograms, kg, grams, etc. That will be added by the regional info in your store settings.
  • Length: This is the item's length for calculating shipping. You can only enter numbers or decimals like 1 or 2.4. Don't enter units like inches, in, feet, ft, meters, centimeters, cm, etc. That will be added by the regional info in your store settings.
  • Width: This is the item's width for calculating shipping. You can only enter numbers or decimals like 1 or 2.4. Don't enter units like inches, in, feet, ft, meters, centimeters, cm, etc. That will be added by the regional info in your store settings.
  • Height: This is the item's height for calculating shipping. You can only enter numbers or decimals like 1 or 2.4. Don't enter units like inches, in, feet, ft, meters, centimeters, cm, etc. That will be added by the regional info in your store settings.
  • Tax Category: These are the tax categories when you set up taxes. You must use tax categories that already exist or leave the field blank and add it later. If you have a tax category that doesn't exist, you'll see an error when you import your spreadsheet.
  • Hidden: Determines whether product is displayed to site visitors. If marked TRUE or Yes or X, your product is NOT seen by store visitors or search engines. (Yes, I want this product hidden.) Acceptable options are: TRUE, Yes, Y, X, FALSE, No, N.
  • Category: These are the categories when you add product categories. If the category doesn't exist, it'll be added based on the name in the cell. You can include nested sub-categories by using a forward slash, like Clothing/T-Shirts. (You can use a maximum of 3 levels of nested categories.) Finally, you can assign a product to multiple categories by separating each with a comma, like Clothing/T-Shirts, Outerwear, Travel.
  • Image URL: You can only add one image URL per product. You can add more manually in your store. You need the image's full URL, and it must be accessible on the web (not password protected). For example,
  • SEO Title (Deprecated): This is what shows up for the title in search engine results. You can use text and numbers.
  • SEO Desc (Deprecated): This is the product description that appears below the hyperlink in search engine results. You can use text and numbers.
    Required: Remove SEO Title and SEO Desc columns from your spreadsheet. These two fields are deprecated and will cause the import to fail.
  • Option1 Name: Options allow you to specify dropdown options for products, such as sizes or colors. See Add-ons if you want people to specify type-in text like monogramming or additional choices like gift wrapping. The Option Name is the name customers will see. For example, Size.
  • Option1 Value: This is the dropdown option for the Option Name. Enter the options separated by commas. If the Option Name is Size, then the Option Value could be Small, Medium, Large, XXL.
  • Option2 Name: See Option1 Name. A product can have up to 3 options.
  • Option2 Value: See Option1 Value.
  • Option3 Name: See Option1 Name. A product can have up to 3 options.
  • Option3 Value: See Option1 Value.
  • Add-on1 Name: Add-ons are the personalized details or extra items you add to your products, like gift wrap or personalizing a product with a name. This is the name of the add-on that a customer sees when they check out. For example, Engraving.
  • Add-on1 Type: There are only two types of add-ons a customer can get: selecting an option from a list like gift wrapping or a text box where the customer can type what they want like a customized name. Acceptable options are List of values or Custom text.
  • Add-on1 Required: Choose if the customer must choose the add-on or not. Acceptable options are TRUE, Yes, Y, X, FALSE, No, N.
  • Add-on1 Values: If the Add-on Type is set to List of values, then you need to add the options people can choose from, separated by commas. For example, if the Add-on Name is Gift Wrapping, the Add-on Type is set to List of values, and the Add-on Values can be Brown Paper, Metallic Paper, Decorative Cellophane.
  • Add-on2 Name: See Add-on1 Name.
  • Add-on2 Type: See Add-on1 Type.
  • Add-on2 Required: See Add-on1 Required.
  • Add-on2 Values: See Add-on1 Values.
  • Add-on3 Name: See Add-on1 Name.
  • Add-on3 Type: See Add-on1 Type.
  • Add-on3 Required: See Add-on1 Required.
  • Add-on3 Values: See Add-on1 Values.

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