Situs Web + Pemasaran Bantuan

Menambahkan video ke header situs web saya

Menggunakan video di header situs web merupakan cara untuk meningkatkan daya tarik visual atau menyorot produk maupun layanan Anda. Pengaturan default bagi pengguna perangkat seluler adalah melihat gambar statis, agar situs Anda dimuat lebih cepat. Video di header Anda diputar tanpa suara. Untuk mengaktifkan suara, tambahkan video ke suatu bagian di situs Anda.

Note: Not all themes allow video. If you want to change the look of your header, change your theme.
  1. Buka halaman produk GoDaddy .
  2. Gulir ke bawah, luaskan Websites + Marketing , lalu pilih Kelola di samping situs web Anda.
  3. Pilih Edit Situs Web atau Edit Situs .
  4. Select your header (the first section of your home page), and then select the arrow next to your cover media.
    Screenshot of the arrow next to the cover media image.
  5. Pilih Video.
  6. Pilih Ubah video.
  7. Upload or select your own video or stock video, or import a video from a URL. (Only Vimeo links work for the header video, but you can add a YouTube video link to other website sections.)
  8. Select whether customers viewing your site on mobile devices will only see the thumbnail, so that your page loads faster, or the full video.
    Note: To prevent mobile visitors from seeing Vimeo's default thumbail image of three vertical color bars on your website's header, choose a thumbnail image in your video's settings.
  9. Your changes are saved as you work. Publish your site to make the changes live.

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