Professional Email Bantuan

Forward messages as attachments in webmail

Use Professional Email to attach messages to other messages, such as to forward an email conversation or for technical support. Professional Email packages all message contents (including headers and attachments) into a downloaded file.

  1. Sign in to your Webmail. Use your Professional Email address and password (your GoDaddy username and password won't work here).
  2. Select the messages you want to download.
  3. Select more actions icon More actions, and then Save as file. Your message(s) will download.
    select save as file
  4. Select New email to open a new message, or reply to an existing message.
  5. Select attach local file icon Add local file.
    select attach local file
  6. Choose the file you saved in step 3. You'll see the file attached to your email below the subject line.
    choose the file saved in step 3
  7. Finish writing your email, and then select Send. The recipient will receive the file in your email.

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