GoDaddy Studio Aiuto

Add effects to text in GoDaddy Studio

Turn heads with the attention-grabbing cut-out text effect. All you need is GoDaddy Studio, a shape, an image, some text and the Blend tool.
Create text effects using blending

  1. Sign in to your GoDaddy Studio app.
  2. Create a new project with a transparent background.
  3. In your new project, at the bottom of the screen, tap Shape and add a square. Tap Color and set the color to white. Tap the alt name for the image checkmark in the top-right corner.
  4. Tap Text and add some black text. If needed, change the font and resize the text. Tap the alt name for the image checkmark in the top-right corner.
  5. Tap Image and add an image. This image will show through your text, so a texture will work best. Resize the image to cover the text.
  6. Make sure the image layer is still selected. At the bottom of the screen, scroll horizontally to find Blend and then tap it.
  7. From the menu that appears, tap LIGHTEN. The image layer will appear through the text layer, with a white background.
  8. Tap the alt name for the image checkmark in the top-right corner to save your project.
  1. Sign in to your GoDaddy Studio account.
  2. In the top-right corner, select New project and then select Transparent.
  3. From the left menu, select Shape and add a square. In the right menu, select Color and set the color to white.
  4. From the left menu, select Text and add some black text. If needed, select Text in the right menu to change the font and resize the text.
  5. From the left menu, select Image and add an image. This image will show through your text, so a texture will work best. Resize the image to cover the text.
  6. Make sure the image layer is still selected. In the right menu, select Blend.
  7. From the menu that appears, select Lighten. The image layer will appear through the text layer, with a white background.

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