WordPress Aiuto

Add social media buttons to WordPress

Note: We offer GoDaddy Social where our experts manage your online life, if you prefer to spend your time on other things.

To take advantage of social media engagement on your WordPress website, you'll need to add a social media widget. Once installed, these widgets are typically visible in either the sidebar or the footer. There are many plugins that can be used for this, such as the Contact Widgets plugin.

  1. Log in to WordPress.
  2. Install and activate the Contact Widgets plugin. For help, see Install a plugin in WordPress and Activate a plugin in WordPress.
  3. In the Dashboard menu, click Appearance, and then below Appearance click Widgets.
  4. Under Available Widgets, click Social Profiles and then select Add Widget.
  5. Select where you want it located.
  6. Click Add Widget.
  7. Locate the Social Profiles settings on the right, and give the widget a title (example: Stay in Touch!)
  8. Click on social media icons you would like to add.
  9. Modify the fields to include your specific social media details (example: https://www.facebook.com/username).
  10. Click the Save button.

You can now look at your live site to see if the widget has the look and feel you want.