Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy Aiuto

Create and use email templates

Templates save you time by allowing you to reuse common messages. They're convenient for repetitive or common messages that don't need many changes, such as welcoming new hires or responding to general questions.

Select the appropriate tab based on the email platform you’re using.

  1. Sign in to Outlook on the web. Use your Microsoft 365 email address and password (your GoDaddy username and password won't work here).
  2. Select New mail.
  3. In the ribbon above your message, select Enhance Outlook with apps, box with 4 squares Enhance Outlook with apps, and then paper with thunderbolt, My Template My Templates. On the right-most side, the template menu will appear.
  4. Choose whether you'd like to use an existing template or creating a new one:
    • To use an existing template: Select the template from the list.
    • To add a new template: Select A circle with a plus, Add template Template. Enter a title (this is for your reference only) and the text you want in your template, and then select Save.

You’ll return to your template list, and the template will be added to where your cursor is in the message body. Before sending, add recipients, a subject, and any attachments.

Come back to My Templates at any time to pencil in a box, Edit template Edit or trash can, Delete template Delete your templates.

There are now 2 versions of Outlook for Windows: new Outlook and classic Outlook. Before continuing to the steps below, check which version you’re using.

New Outlook

If the steps in this section don't work, you might not be using new Outlook yet. Try the steps in the Classic Outlook section instead.

Required: To use new Outlook for Windows, it must be activated with a Work or school account licensed for Office desktop apps. (For Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy plans, it must be a Business Professional or higher plan. However, the license can be provided by any Work or school account.)

Upon activation, you can add additional email plans, such as Email Essentials, Email Plus, or Online Business Essentials.
  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Select New mail.
  3. Select paper with thunderbolt, My Template My Templates. On the right-most side, the template menu will appear.
    • If you don't see My Templates, select 3 dots, More command More commands.
  4. Choose whether you'd like to use an existing template or creating a new one:
    • To use an existing template: Select the template from the list.
    • To add a new template: Select A circle with a plus sign, add template Template. Enter a title (this is for your reference only) and the content you want in your template, and then select Save.

You’ll return to your template list, and the template will be added to where your cursor is in the message body. Before sending, add recipients, a subject, and any attachments.

Come back to My Templates at any time to pencil in a box, Edit template Edit or trash can, Delete template Delete your templates.

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Classic Outlook

If the steps in this section don't work, you might not be using classic Outlook. Try the steps in the New Outlook section instead.

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Select New Email.
  3. Select paper with thunderbolt, My Template View Templates. On the right-most side, the template menu will appear.
    • If you don't see My Templates, select 3 dots, More command More commands.
  4. Choose whether you'd like to use an existing template or createing a new one:
    • To use an existing template: Select the template from the list.
    • To add a new template: Select A circle with a plus, add template Template. Enter a title (this is for your reference only) and the content you want in your template, and then select Save.

You’ll return to your template list, and the template will be added to where your cursor is in the message body. Before sending, add recipients, a subject, and any attachments.

Come back to My Templates at any time to pencil in a box, Edit template Edit or trash can, Delete template Delete your templates.

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Create a template

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Select New Mail or New Email.
  3. Compose a new message. Add the content that you want in your template.
  4. Select File, and then Save As Template.
  5. Enter a name for the template, add a tag, if desired, and then select the location where you want the template to be saved.
    Add a file name, select a place to save the template
  6. Select Save.

Use a template

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Select New Mail or New Email.
  3. Select File, and then New, and then Mail From Template or Email From Template.
    Select File, then New, and then Mail From Template
  4. Select the template that you previously saved.
  5. Select Open.
  6. Finish composing the message, and then select Send.

Related step

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