WordPress Help

Set up SSL on my WordPress site

Having a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate on your WordPress website ensures that the data transmitted between the website and the user is encrypted and cannot be intercepted by malicious hackers. This provides a secure environment for online transactions and builds trust with visitors because they know their personal data, login credentials and payment details are safe and secure. There are several steps to add an SSL certificate to a WordPress site.

Note: We offer a Managed SSL service where we install and manage the SSL certificate for you, if you prefer to spend time on other things.

Purchase an SSL from GoDaddy

If you purchased the SSL certificate from GoDaddy, in most cases we'll automatically set up and install it for you, depending on where your domain and hosting are located.

Install a third-party SSL certificate

For third-party SSL certificates, see these articles to install the downloaded SSL certificate:

Redirect your WordPress site to HTTPS

If you installed a third-party certificate, you should redirect traffic to your site to HTTPS to provide a secure experience for your visitors.

Check your SSL installation

Finally, to ensure that the SSL certificate is set up correctly, check your SSL installation.

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