Website Design Services Pomoc

Tips for requesting updates to my website

Requesting updates to your website is easy when you follow these simple tips. If you're not sure what to ask for, check out the list of what's included in your Marketing Services plan.

Include location, action, and content

For each update be sure you include these three specific items:

  • Location: where the change is happening
  • Action: what the change or action is
  • Content: all content needed for this update

For example, tell us: “On the Home page, in the 3rd content section titled “What We Do”, change the third paragraph FROM [old paragraph] TO [new paragraph]."

Note: If you're having trouble figuring out how to describe a specific location on a page in your site, see the Anatomy of a Website graphic at the bottom of this page.

Mark up and send us a screenshot

If your update is harder to describe or if you have very specific needs, a great way to illustrate what you want is to take and mark up a screenshot. You can create a Windows screenshot or a Mac screenshot in just a few steps.

Be specific

When referencing your content, use specific names.

  • Do tell us the exact filenames for your content, like “Use image1.jpg” or “Link to brochure.pdf”
  • Don't use a less-specific description like “the pdf attached”, or “the third image down on the about page”

Anatomy of a Website

This infographic shows the names of various parts of your website. Use these terms to help describe where your changes are to be made.

Tip: This image is easiest to see on a larger screen. If you need to zoom in, right-click the image and open it in a new tab or window.

anatomy of a website

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