GoDaddy Pro Ajuda

Recover my website with FTP in GoDaddy Pro

If you receive an error message when trying to restore a website, it's possible that we can't communicate with the Worker plugin that we use to establish connection. In this case, you can try to restore the site through FTP.

Note: If you add your FTP info, we can try to restore the website through FTP if you need to do it in the future as well.

  1. Log in to your GoDaddy Pro account. (Need help logging in?)
  2. Select Sites in the left sidebar.
  3. Hover over a website and select Backups.
  4. Select Settings in the upper-right corner.
  5. Select FTP Settings - Optional at the bottom of the screen and fill in the FTP information for the website in question.

    Note: To use SSH key instead of SFTP password, select Show public key snippet. Copy the snippet and run it from the server console. After that, select Test connection.

  6. Select Test Connection.

    Note: If the connection is unsuccessful, double check if the details are correct or contact GoDaddy Pro Sites support.

  7. After the successful test, select Save settings.
  8. Try restoring the website again.

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