Gen 4 VPS & Dedicated Servers Ajuda

Restart my Gen 4 Dedicated Server

If you can't reboot your Generation 4 Dedicated Server via SSH, you can restart it from your hosting account. Restarting a Dedicated Server means a full power cycle, so be sure to save any unsaved files before you continue.

Note: This article applies to Generation 4 Dedicated Servers only. The steps are different if you're trying to restart a Generation 4 VPS.

  1. Log in to your GoDaddy account. (Need help logging in?)
  2. In your My Products page, click Servers, and next to the Generation 4 Dedicated Server you want to restart, click Manage.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the page click Server Actions > Power Cycle.

    click power cycle
  4. Click Request Power Cycle. The power cycle begins and may take a few minutes. When it's done the cycle is added to the History list for the server.

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