GoDaddy Pro Ajuda

Check my website security in GoDaddy Pro

Run a website security check in GoDaddy Pro to make sure that:

  • No malware exists on the website
  • There are no vulnerable plugin versions
  • The website tests clean with services like Google Safe Browsing, Norton Safe Web, and ESET

Note: The security check will look for debug.log file in wp-content folder and it will check if WP_DEBUG is set to TRUE in wp-config.php file. If either one of those is found, the results will show that vulnerability is detected.

To run a security check on your website:
  1. Log in to your GoDaddy Pro account. (Need help logging in?)
  2. Select Sites in the left sidebar.
  3. Hover over the website and select Open website dashboard.
    Open website dashboard
  4. Select Security in the left sidebar. Then select Activate Security Check.
  5. Select Activate in Free Security Check section.
  6. Select Check now.

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