Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy Ajuda

Having trouble signing in to Microsoft 365?

If you can't sign in to your Microsoft 365 email account, try these solutions.

IfDo this
You're unable to sign in using your email address and password. Sign in to your Microsoft 365 email in your web browser or from the Email & Office Dashboard.

If you can sign in online but not on your email client (like Gmail or Apple Mail), make sure your email account is set up using these steps.
You're the administrator of a Microsoft 365 account and you or one of your users has lost or forgotten the email password.Try one of the following:
You're an email user (not the GoDaddy account owner) and you've lost or forgotten your email password.Send yourself a password reset email.
You set up multi-factor authentication (MFA) but can't access your method.Reset your MFA method.
You can successfully sign in online but are having trouble with Outlook for Windows. Fix Outlook errors when opening.
You can successfully sign in online but are having trouble with Outlook for Mac.Try one of these solutions.
You have a Business Professional plan or greater and can’t sign in to Outlook for Windows or Mac.Verify Outlook is set up correctly.

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