Are you a tech savvy who enjoys reading any tech related information? Maybe you’re a web developer looking for some tips, or you’re simply interested in the latest tech news and trends. Either way, skimming through tech blogs - on a daily or weekly basis - is beneficial; to stay abreast of new technologies. Since the tech world around us is changing rapidly, no matter what industry you operate in, you’ll need to stay up to date.
Recent statistics showed that 77% of internet users read blogs or have subscribed to at least a few.
The internet is packed with blogs that offer educational content, news, and reviews about the latest gadgets and technologies. This article will not only point out the top tech blogs that you can follow it also offers a deeper look at what makes a tech blog successful and finally tips for tech enthusiasts who want to start their own tech blog.
What makes a blog successful?
Before we jump in the list of the top tech blogs that you need to follow, let’s explore what makes a tech blog stand out from the rest.
Fresh - unique - content
In 1996, Bill Gates wrote an essay titled “Content is King”, years later content marketing is still king. If you’re working in a heavily populated niche like tech, it is crucial for you to invest time in understanding the current trends and researching the latest content ideas.
Tech is a massive niche in itself, so try picking a narrow category and cover it really well. This is one of the keys to being successful.
How can you stay up to date? look at tech blogs in your niche and bloggers covering topics similar to you. This will give you an insight and ideas into what kind of content your target audience needs and understand what you need to provide in order to stand out from the other tech blogs. You can also check out the most popular blogs on tech for ideas and inspiration on content structuring, layout, design, and ideas to interact with your readers.
Our tips for you to write unique content is:
- Think of catchy headlines.
- Provide accurate data.
- Provide the readers with an added value and actionable plan.
Post regularly
Our next advice for tech bloggers is to post frequently and consistently, why should you do that? It keeps your blog alive and helps you to set a pace for your interaction with the readers and build a relationship with them.
You might be asking yourself: How can I post regularly?
Our tips for you to create consistent and regular content is:
- Plan your month ahead.
- Use a content calendar.
- Focus on quality not quantity.
Promote your content
A new blog in the beginning is unknown. Nobody would know about your blog if it is not promoted and marketed well.
How can you market and promote your blog?
Let’s say you launched a tech blog, you published your first article and people aren’t reading it! You can use your social media accounts to your favour. Post a link to your blog and article on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and different social networking sites. You can also promote these posts through paid ads to give them a boost and reach a wider audience.
But what if you don’t have enough finances to boost your posts? You can optimize your blog and articles for search engines by using search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. You can also check our guide to writing SEO friendly articles.
Related: 5 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) elements that you need to keep a close eye on in 2019
Top tech blogs to follow

Now that we’ve covered what makes a blog successful. Let’s explore some of the top tech blogs. Here are 5 of the top tech blogs in the region that focuses on technology and everything related to it.
1. The Professional:
Launched in 2010, Almohtarif is a leading tech blog that provides informative and educational articles in Arabic. In 2014, the blog’s founder Amine Raghib was honored by YouTube for being the most influential Moroccan podcaster. In 2015, he was awarded the Social Media Pioneers Award by the ruler of Dubai. His YouTube channel is very influential too with more than 3 million subscribers, he is considered one of the most famous YouTubers in the tech world in the region.
2. Tech World:
World tech is a website that publishes news, articles and educational lessons in several fields of technology. The website publishes daily updates on new web services, apps and new devices. It also publishes programming and design lessons as well as educational technical articles where the authors discuss technical challenges or new technologies. The website also covers important technical exhibitions and interviews tech savvies.
3. SEO in Arabic:
It is the first blog that specializes in understanding SEO methods and developing your website in line with SEO techniques in the Arab world. The blog covers all aspects of SEO through articles and videos. You’ll also find latest tech, marketing and SEO news on the website.
4. El Zero Academy:
Zero Web School is one of the leading blogs and channels in the region for teaching programming and web development. The founder Osama has a dedicated YouTube channel for programming and web design lessons.
5. Hasoub Academy:
They aim at providing high-quality and specialized articles in different tech fields in Arabic. It mainly focuses on programming, marketing and freelancing. In addition to specialized certificates and educational articles about programming and web development. They also encourage tech enthusiasts to write for their blog.
Start your own tech blog? No problem
Now that we’ve covered the top five tech blogs in the region; are you hyped to start your own blog? GoDaddy can provide you with all the tools and products that you need to launch your own blog.
First, you’ll need to choose a name for your blog and secure a domain name that matches the name of your blog. Then, you’ll need to choose a blogging platform and a hosting plan. Finally, you’ll need to create a content plan and start blogging.
You can also check the following articles for assistance with launching your own blog:
- Learn how to blog in 5 simple steps
- How to start a blog in 19 minutes
- 18 tips for starting a WordPress blog in 2018
Blogging about tech isn’t easy; as there’s a lot of competition and it's hard to stand out from the crowd. However, by creating interesting, useful and in-depth content your blog will have a chance to shine. Don’t forget to blog consistently every week and stick to your blogging schedule.
Also, don’t expect huge traffic for the first couple of months. If you can make it beyond these first tough months without giving up, then you might start getting enough traffic to your website to make it worthwhile.
Lastly, if you’re passionate about your blog, you won’t get the urge to give up even if you’re not that successful in the beginning. But one thing we’re sure of is that you’ll learn a lot along the journey.