
What is an SSL port? A technical guide for HTTPS

5 min read
Adem Asha

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the technology responsible for data authentication and encryption for internet connections. It encrypts data being sent over the internet between two systems (commonly between a server and a client) so that it remains private. And with the growing importance of online privacy, an SSL port is something you should get familiar with.

Because data can be sent with or without the use of SSL, one way to indicate a secure connection is by the port number.

Related: What’s an SSL?

In this article we will discuss a few important points:

  1. What are the commonly used TCP ports?
  2. How does HTTPS and SSL work?
  3. The difference between protocols and certificates
  4. The difference between SSL and TLS
  5. What is SSL port used for?

Commonly used TCP ports

For those responsible for configuring and managing web hosting, it’s useful to know the numbers for common services, such as an SSL port. Use the tables below to quickly look up port numbers and their basic functions.


Port #Function


Port #Function
110POP – Incoming
995POP SSL – Incoming
143IMAP – Incoming
993IMAP SSL – Incoming
25, 80, 3535SMTP – Outgoing
465SMTP SSL – Outgoing

You can see which ports GoDaddy uses for email — in addition to finding SSL port information — in the GoDaddy Help Center.


Port #Function
2082cPanel TCP inbound
2083cPanel SSL TCP inbound
2086WHM TCP inbound
2087WHM SSL TCP inbound
2089WHM SSL TCP inbound
2095Webmail TCP inbound
2096Webmail SSL TCP inbound

You can see which ports GoDaddy uses for cPanel in the GoDaddy Help Center.

How does HTTPS and SSL work?

HTTP is not a separate protocol from HTTPS. Rather, HTTPS works by establishing a secure HTTP connection using SSL. Hence, the protocol stacks for HTTP and HTTPS look similar:

LayerHTTP Protocol StackHTTPS Protocol Stack
Application LayerHTTPHTTP
Security LayerSSL (TLS)
Transport LayerTCPTCP
Network LayerIPIP
Data Link LayerNetwork InterfacesNetwork Interfaces

The only difference is that HTTPS runs over SSL. To create this secure internet connection, an SSL certificate is installed on a web serverThe SSL certificate authenticates an organization’s identity to activate the HTTPS protocol so that data can be passed securely from a web server to a web browser.

How do I find out my SSL port number?

By default, HTTPS connections use TCP port 443. HTTP, the unsecure protocol, uses port 80.

Distinguishing between certificates and protocols

The HTTPS protocol and an SSL certificate are two different — but critical — factors in creating a secure internet connection.

  • The HTTPS protocol provides the channel by which data is encrypted and transferred securely.
  • SSL certificates are simply used to authenticate critical information when an internet user attempts to send information over a secure connection.

Therefore, the secure connection is determined by your server configuration and not by the certificate itself.

What is the difference between SSL and TLS?

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is an update to the SSL protocol. The original SSL protocol was developed by Netscape back in 1995 and released to the public as SSL 2.0. Since that time, updates have been made to ensure stronger, more secure encryption.

In 1999, TLS 1.0 was released as an update to SSL 3.0. Since then, TLS has been the primary technology used to secure data over internet connections and SSL. However, because the term SSL is more widely-known than TLS, the name carries on despite the technology depreciating.

Why should I worry about my SSL port?

Seemingly a small nuance, your SSL port is important for a number of reasons. For starters, HTTP is falling out of favour. In fact, more than 70 percent of web pages are loaded via HTTPS in Google Chrome in the United States, according to Google’s HTTPS Transparency Report. Besides the reason that “everyone else is doing it,” there are a ton of advantages to using HTTPS as opposed to HTTP.

What is an SSL port used for?

SSL ports are required an used for a number of reasons, like:

1. Limit exposure to criminal activity by using SSL

HTTPS offers an additional layer of protection against digital eavesdropping, whereby criminals monitor network activity to steal valuable information like login credentials. Because HTTPS is encrypted, it helps to thwart this type of criminal activity.

2. HTTPS is required for PCI compliance

If you collect credit card information on your website, then you are required by the Payment Card Industry to use HTTPS.

3. HTTPS is capable of loading web pages faster than HTTP

SSL Port Speed

Not only does HTTPS make for a more secure browsing experience, it can also positively impact the load times of your site content. If you need proof, see for yourself.

4. Create a more trustworthy web browsing experience

SSL Port Security

Most major web browsers indicate whether or not a site is secure in the address bar with a padlock icon or the word “secure.”

Web browsers, like Chrome, are moving towards alerting users when they’ve accessed a site that is not using HTTPS.

5. SSL can boost your SEO

HTTPS is preferred by major search engines and is generally considered beneficial for SEO. It is crucial that you implement HTTPS correctly and take a few extra steps to ensure you reap the SEO benefits.

How do I get SSL?

SSL certificates can be purchased from a Certificate Authority (CA), like GoDaddy. After you purchase the certificate, follow the instructions from your hosting provider to install the SSL certificate.

Get your SSL certificate today with a few clicks

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