
Color your website earth-friendly with a .green domain name

3 min read
Maxym Martineau

This article was originally published to GoDaddy’s U.S. blog on 21 April 2015, updated on 19 April 2020 and published to the Asia blog on 9 April 2021.

In the first season of The Muppet Show, Kermit the Frog was quick to tell us that “it’s not easy being green.” Well, he may have had a point back then, but now it’s easier than ever to start thinking green — especially with a .green domain name.

This year marks the 51st anniversary of Earth Day, and a website address that ends in the .green domain extension is a great way to trumpet your commitment to a greener, more sustainable environment.

You’re on the up and up when it comes to global warming. You’ve tracked your carbon footprint and you’re aware of your energy consumption.

With Earth Day around the corner, a website address that ends in .green is a great way to showcase that mission.

Related: 10 tips on choosing the perfect domain name

Editor's note: Got questions about putting your idea online? Get instant answers on GoDaddy Asia Facebook Messenger now.

Green living at a glimpse

Dot green domain name logo

From the moment people see your website address, they’ll know you embrace environmental causes.

Whether you manufacture wind turbines, design LEED-certified buildings, blog about sustainable farming, or volunteer planting trees from coast to coast, use .green to show the world what you do. Plus, .green is perfect for a companion website about your company's earth-friendly practices.

Securing your own .green domain name is just another natural step in this environmental movement.

A domain name that sticks

The .green domain is exclusive and relatively new to the domains market, so you’ve got a fantastic chance of securing a shorter, more memorable web address that still holds true to your green identity.

Already have a .com domain name you use for your website? Register the matching .green domain name and forward it to the page on your site that details your environmental efforts. 

Going .green means you can get a universally recognized domain name with an emphasis on bettering our environment — all without compromising the length and ingenuity of your web address.

With your one-of-a-kind domain name in hand, it makes it that much easier to start the conversation about going green.

Ready to go .green? Give it a try:

Green means business

If you’re looking to boost your online presence, .green might be the way to go. 


With so many people out there looking to go green, it’s prime time to capitalize on this ever-growing market. A Nielsen study found that "the majority of consumers will pay more for products offered by socially and environmentally conscious firms, while the majority of employees prefer to work for these firms. This is increasingly true for younger stakeholders."

Being environmentally conscious pays in more than one way — and you want to be sure your customers know you’re aware of the trend. You can gain that recognition and build green credibility for your business online with a .green domain.