Social MediaCategory

Learn the correct Facebook cover photo size

5 min read
Vipin Labroo

UPDATE: This post was originally published on 5 November 2018 and was updated on 17 February 2020.

You cannot deny the fact that a person's face matters. Next to your fingerprints, your face is your most distinctive feature. Is it any surprise that the world’s most popular social media site is called Facebook? If you’re unsure of the correct Facebook cover photo size (or WhatsApp, Twitter, etc.), you’ve come to the right place.

FB cover photo size (plus other Facebook image sizes)

When it comes to your Facebook cover photo, you have to ensure that you get it right because this is the first thing that visitors see. Check the chart below for the correct size of the profile photo, cover photo and other images.

Facebook elementsSize in pixels:
Facebook profile picture size (personal and pages)170W x 170H (desktop) 128W x 128H (smartphones)
Facebook shared image size1200W x 630H
Facebook cover photo size (header image)820W x 312H
Facebook event image size1920W x 1080H
Facebook video minimum width600W

Any photo that you put up on FB has to conform to these specifications. Go any smaller and your picture will get stretched to reach the required dimension. Go larger, and it will be cropped. Either way, it won’t look as you’d like.

Editor’s note: If you build your website using GoDaddy’s Website Builder, social media integration is built right in.

Social media image sizes

The human brain is wired in a manner that makes it process visual clues in milliseconds. There cannot be a better way to catch the fleeting attention of the people who see your posts than with a sharp, perfectly sized profile photo.

Given below are the image sizes for various elements across the principal social media sites other than Facebook.

WhatsApp profile picture size

WhatsApp has more than 200 million monthly active users in India. This makes it a prime vehicle for communicating with customers.

WhatsApp elements

Size in pixels:Ratio W:H:
WhatsApp profile picture size192W x 192H (or any square size) 1:1

Once uploaded, the quality of your profile photo might be lower depending on its original size. This is because media files are usually compressed when shared on WhatsApp.

Instagram image sizes

India is the second-biggest user of Instagram, with 67 million active users.

Instagram elementsSize in pixels:
Instagram profile picture size110W x 110H (min)
Instagram post image size

Automatically displays image thumbnails at:

1080W x 1080H

161W x 161H

Instagram video size1080W
Instagram stories (use portrait mode on your mobile)1920H x 1080W

Did you know that 75 percent of Instagram users respond to advertising posts? Make the most of this powerful platform by following these image rules.

YouTube image sizes

Video is in demand everywhere, but video consumption in India has risen fivefold in the last year.

YouTube elementsSize in pixels:
YouTube icon size800W x 800H
YouTube cover image size2560W x 1440H
YouTube video thumbnail image size1280W x 720H

Brand your YouTube channel from the start by following these image guidelines.

Twitter image sizes

India was the fastest-growing market for Twitter last year. Make its popularity work for your business.

Twitter elementsSize in pixels:Ratio W:H:
Twitter profile picture size400W x 400H1:1
Twitter post image size600W x 335H2:1
Twitter cover photo size1500W x 500H3:1

All numbers in this post are regularly updated to ensure you have the latest profile photo sizes.

LinkedIn image sizes

LinkedIn is a convenient place to store all your professional details — including your job history, curricular and co-curricular activities, work samples, recommendations and awards. It’s also used by businesses to establish themselves as thought leaders through original content published there.

LinkedIn personal elementsSize in pixels:Ratio W:H:
LinkedIn profile picture size400W x 400H1:1
LinkedIn shared image or post image size552W x 276H2:1
LinkedIn profile background image size1584H x 396W 4:1
LinkedIn cover photo or banner image size1776W x 444H 4:1
LinkedIn company elementsSize in pixels:Ratio W:H:
LinkedIn company logo image size300W x 300H1:1
LinkedIn company page cover image size1536W x 768H2:1

To accomodate various data speeds throughout India, LinkedIn launched LinkedIn Lite in 2017. With data at a premium, proper image sizing is more important than ever.

Pinterest image sizes

Pinterest is all about photos — only the sharpest, most perfectly arranged photos get pinned.

Pinterest elementsSize in pixels:
Pinterest profile picture size165W x 165H
Pinterest board cover image size222W x 150H
Pinterest pin sizes (portrait)735W x 1102H

Use the chart above to make your Pinterest images shine.

Facebook profile picture size and more

Indians across age, gender and occupation have taken to Facebook in a big way. This is because it allows them to connect, communicate, conduct business, entertain and socialize unfettered by time, distance or cost. However, not everybody knows the correct Facebook cover photo size or how to prepare their images for use on Facebook and other social media.

It is very important that individuals and businesses upload cover and profile pictures that are duly sized for the particular social network. The right dimensions will keep your images looking sharp and professional.

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