
Interfaces and Metaclasses in Python

11 min read
Joseph Bergeron
A cup of coffee with a design in the foam

Note: All code in this post is assumed to be for Python 3. There are subtle differences in the way classes are handled between Python 2 and 3 (see here).

Have you ever heard of metaclasses in Python? I hadn’t until recently, and I had been using them for months without actually knowing how they work. Python’s metaclass functionality is one of those language features you’ll probably never need to know about, much less mess with, but it offers some keen insight into Python’s OOP model, and is actually quite powerful.

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I discovered metaclasses after encountering a pretty common problem. One of our repos contains a class that pulls a bunch of data over the network, and generally takes a pretty long time to run. As it turned out, we didn’t want to spend all this time gathering data every time we ran the service, so we decided to create a dummy class that we could swap in for the real one. In order for everything to continue working, both classes needed to expose identical looking functions. Instead of relying on Python’s duck typing, this sounded like a great place to define an interface that both classes could inherit from, to ensure the callers that nothing would break regardless of which class was being used. Unfortunately, Python doesn’t have interfaces, or at least, not quite built into the language.

Enter Python’s abstract base class, or, cutely, ABC. Functionally, abstract base classes let you define a class with abstract methods, which all subclasses must implement in order to be initialized. ABCs are extremely simple to use, and do exactly what they say on the tin. Here’s how you might solve a simplified version of the problem from above using ABCs in Python 3.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class NetworkInterface(ABC):

    def connect(self):

    def transfer(self):

class RealNetwork(NetworkInterface):

    def connect(self):
        # connect to something for real

    def transfer(self):
        # transfer a bunch of data

class FakeNetwork(NetworkInterface):

    def connect(self):
        # don't actually connect to anything!

    def transfer(self):
        # don't transfer anything!

Our actual abstract base class that defines the interface our classes inherit from is NetworkInterface, which itself inherits from ABC. abstractmethod is just a decorator which marks methods as, well, abstract – subclasses have to implement them. This is all fine, but what has this really gotten us? Let’s get rid of transfer from FakeNetwork and find out.

class FakeNetwork(NetworkInterface):

    def connect(self):
        # don't actually connect to anything!

tmp = FakeNetwork()

Whoops! We get an error: TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class FakeNetwork with abstract methods transfer – that’s the abstract base class enforcing the interface. As long as FakeNetwork is missing transfer, we can’t create an instance of it. Neat.

This worked well for our use case, but I was left a bit dissatisfied. How does it all work? In reality, all the magic is happening through the use of metaclasses, but Python sneakily hides that from us by having us inherit from ABC, just a normal class inheritence. ABC however, is actually a totally empty class! All it does is set its metaclass to be ABCMeta, which is where all the work gets done.


So what’s the deal with this metaclass stuff? As you may have heard, everything in Python is an object. Really, everything. Say we have the following

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = 10

bar = Foo()

All objects have types, and since everything is an object, everything has a type. If we call type(bar), we see that bar has type Foo, as we might expect. What about type(Foo) then? We get type! The type of the class Foo itself (as opposed to an instance of Foo) is type. type is our first real example of a metaclass. All classes in Python 3 are instances of the metaclass type. In the same way that you call a class to initialize an object, you call a metaclass to initialize a class. Typically, this means that when the interpreter sees a class definition, it calls type to create the class, allowing us to call it to create instances later on.

This means that type can do more than just tell us the type of stuff. When called with the correct arguments, type can be used to programmatically create classes. Observe.

def init(self):
    self.x = 10

Foo = type('Foo', (object,), {'__init__': init})
a = Foo()
a.x # returns 10

The first argument to type is the desired name of the created class, followed by a list of classes to inherit from. The last argument defines the namespace of the class, or what will become its __dict__ attribute – this is the place to define methods, etc. Used this way, ‘type’ lets us define classes dynamically. Understanding how type works under the hood is important in understanding how class definition works, and how we can customize and extend this process.

Recall that all Python classes are instances of type. In the first Foo example above, when the interpreter sees the Foo class definition, it creates a type object named Foo in the enclosing namespace. To do this, it calls type.__new__ (just as __new__ is called for regular old classes) which creates and returns the type object named Foo. The interpreter then calls type.__init__, using the type instance returned from type.__new__ as the first argument (“self”). This is the typical way class instances are created as well (e.g., x = Foo()). The difference here is that the __new__ and __init__ methods of the metaclass are executed before we ever create an instance of the class itself, and can be used to augment or otherwise change the behavior of the overall class. While we can’t modify the behavior of type directly, by subclassing type, we can override the __new__ and __init__ methods to define custom behavior.

Writing our own ABC

This all may be a bit hard to grok, but it should hopefully become clearer when made more concrete. Let’s see if we can put this to use by trying to implement a basic version of abstract base classes ourselves, using metaclasses. Metaclasses are the perfect way to solve this problem, since they allow us to run code at the time of class definition. This lets us potentially raise an error if the class definition is incorrect, before we ever get the chance to create an instance of the class. I tend to think of this as somewhat similar to static checking in compiled languages.

For this example, let’s just focus on forcing classes to implement any methods marked as “abstract” in the class hierarchy. Our version of an interface will be a bit stronger than Python’s ABC, in that it won’t allow us to even define a class that fails to implement all necessary methods, let alone initialize an instance of one. Using our NetworkInterface example from earlier, let’s first figure out a way to mark methods as “abstract”. Decorators are a cheap way to do this:

def abstractfunc(func):
    func.__isabstract__ = True
    return func

With our decorator in place, let’s fill in some boilerplate. We’ll want to define a custom metaclass, with dummy methods __init__ and __new__, and have our desired abstract base class inherit from it. Note that the name Interface for our metaclass below has nothing to do with the “Interface” in our NetworkInterface class – we could’ve named Interface anything we want.

class Interface(type):

    def __init__(self, name, bases, namespace):

    def __new__(metaclass, name, bases, namespace):

class NetworkInterface(metaclass=Interface):

    def connect(self):

    def transfer(self):

Now, on class definition, both NetworkInterface and anything that inherits it will run Interface.__new__ and Interface.__init__. For any class with metaclass Interface, we want Python to raise an exception if the class doesn’t implement all methods marked as abstract in its parent classes. For bookkeeping purposes, let’s augment every class that inherits from Interface with two attributes: a list of all its methods, and a list of just its abstract methods. We can do this in __new__, by augmenting the class namespace before the class is even created.

class Interface(type):

    def __init__(self, name, bases, namespace):

    def __new__(metaclass, name, bases, namespace):
        namespace['abstract_methods'] = Interface._get_abstract_methods(namespace)
        namespace['all_methods'] = Interface._get_all_methods(namespace)
        cls = super().__new__(metaclass, name, bases, namespace)
        return cls

    def _get_abstract_methods(namespace):
        return [name for name, val in namespace.items() if callable(val) and getattr(val, '__isabstract__', False)]

    def _get_all_methods(namespace):
        return [name for name, val in namespace.items() if callable(val)]

Our two helper methods just iterate over the objects in the class’ namespace and append the object names to a list if the appropriate conditions apply. We add these lists to the class’ namespace in __new__, which we can then refer to in __init__ later on. Since Interface.__new__ is called for any class that inherits from Interface, we’re guaranteed that all such classes will have the abstract_methods and all_methods attributes. This means that in Interface.__init__, we can iterate over all the abstract methods of the parent class, and make sure that a method with the same name exists in the list of all methods for the current class, the one that’s currently being initialized. If we don’t find a method in the class with the same name as an abstract method from the parent, we raise an exception. This easily extends to cases of multiple inheritance, by repeating this process for each base class present in bases. Putting everything together, we end up with something like this:

def abstractfunc(func):
    func.__isabstract__ = True
    return func

class Interface(type):

    def __init__(self, name, bases, namespace):
        for base in bases:
            must_implement = getattr(base, 'abstract_methods', [])
            class_methods = getattr(self, 'all_methods', [])
            for method in must_implement:
                if method not in class_methods:
                    err_str = """Can't create abstract class {name}!
                    {name} must implement abstract method {method} of class {base_class}!""".format(name=name,
                    raise TypeError(err_str)

    def __new__(metaclass, name, bases, namespace):
        namespace['abstract_methods'] = Interface._get_abstract_methods(namespace)
        namespace['all_methods'] = Interface._get_all_methods(namespace)
        cls = super().__new__(metaclass, name, bases, namespace)
        return cls

    def _get_abstract_methods(namespace):
        return [name for name, val in namespace.items() if callable(val) and getattr(val, '__isabstract__', False)]

    def _get_all_methods(namespace):
        return [name for name, val in namespace.items() if callable(val)]

class NetworkInterface(metaclass=Interface):

    def connect(self):

    def transfer(self):

And that should do it! Now, let’s see what happens when we try to subclass NetworkInterface.

class RealNetwork(NetworkInterface):

    def connect(self):

    def transfer(self):

Absolutely nothing! Just as we should expect. Since RealNetwork implements all the abstract methods of its parent(s), the class gets defined without a hitch. What’s probably more important to us however, is when our class doesn’t adhere to the contract of the base class.

class FakeNetwork(NetworkInterface):

    def connect_to_server(self):

    def transfer(self):

Uh oh – TypeError: Can't create abstract class FakeNetwork! FakeNetwork must implement abstract method connect of class NetworkInterface!. In this case, the exception is a good thing. Since FakeNetwork doesn’t actually implement a method named connect, an exception is raised before we ever get the chance to create an instance of the class.

Ultimately, this is a pretty brittle and toy-like implementation of abstract base classes, but hopefully it serves as a good example of how Python metaclasses can be uniquely used to solve problems. Metaclasses are definitely one of the more obscure language features of Python, and often misunderstood. To be fair, there aren’t a lot of situations where a problem is most easily or appropriately solvable by using custom metaclasses, but there are occasionally times, like with abstract classes, where the merit of using metaclasses presents itself. If you weren’t already familiar with metaclasses, however, hopefully you now have another tool at your disposal when tackling particularly tricky problems in Python.