Pro Sites looks fantastic - it runs backups, performance & security checks, notifies you when your sites go down, helps you update WordPress plugins and themes in seconds. It’s everything your web business needs.
Getting started is also easy. There’s no hassle with self-hosted installation, as soon as you create an account, you are good to go. The only thing stopping you from diving in is the fact you’ve got a ton of sites. It would take all morning to import them one by one, and you’ve got better things to do.
Don’t worry, we have you covered.
Launch your business in minutes with GoDaddy Airo™
Automagically add GoDaddy websites
Getting websites hosted on GoDaddy into your Pro Sites dashboard is ridiculously easy: you automatically get a list of all your websites, and with some server side magic you can add them without having to type a single URL, or wonder if that one site was www or not (Pro tip - it does not matter :D).
For now this feature works for Managed WordPress websites hosted on GoDaddy. Other sites will be added as non-WordPress, so you can run performance & security checks, but WordPress specific stuff like updates & backups won’t work.
Import remaining websites in bulk
Got more websites on other hosts? Or maybe have a bunch of WordPress sites on GoDaddy’s cPanel hosting, and you can’t add them automagically as WordPress sites? Don’t sweat it; you can simply upload a CSV list, and we’ll handle the rest.

Pro Sites requires just three pieces of info to add your websites to the dashboard:
- Website URL
- Administrator username
- Administrator password
With this info you let the dashboard install & activate the Worker plugin, and then connect it to your Pro Sites dashboard. It’s worth noting that the login information is not stored - Pro Sites servers use an encrypted channel to communicate with the Worker plugins on your websites, making it safer to log into these sites through Pro Sites, than the old fashioned way.
Time to start managing your websites the right way
Pro Sites provides you with a great way to keep your website backups up to date. It helps you stay on top of website management, logins, performance, security, and more. Now we’ve removed the final hurdle - how to start managing 50+ websites in under 2 minutes.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up to the GoDaddy Pro program.
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