How did you get your start in tech? For too many young students, this career path quickly reaches a dead end, due to a lack of computer education and other technological resources. It's why GoDaddy Pro is partnering with Radix, the domain registry behind .tech, for the #MyStartinTech awareness campaign.
Throughout May and June, we'll be highlighting the .tech domain name and all the cool ways it can empower digital entrepreneurs.
And during this time, all proceeds* from registrations of the .tech domain will go to, a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by young women and students from other underrepresented groups.
It's a good time for established professionals to look back at the challenges and opportunities they encountered along the way to their current positions.
And hey, if you're in the market for that perfect domain to represent yourself or a techy client, now's the time to register a .tech domain. & the computer science gap
Founded in 2013, started off as a single video, uploaded by brothers Hadi and Ali Partovi, to promote computer science education. That video went viral, and before long more than 15,000 schools had reached out to the Partovi brothers for help.
Today,'s mission has expanded to include designing courses, training teachers, partnering with school districts, advancing government policies, developing international partnerships, and raising awareness to break stereotypes.
The size of the challenge they face becomes startlingly clear when you look at the data from
- 47% — Percentage of high schools that teach computer science
- 67% — Percentage of all STEM jobs that are in computing
- $.58 million — Lifetime earnings of an average high school graduate
- $1.67 million — Lifetime earnings of a computer science graduate
- 45% — Percentage of students who are female
- 50% — Percentage of students from underrepresented ethnic groups
- 45% — Percentage of students enrolled in high-needs schools
A clearer path to these jobs is a big deal for securing a better future. In fact, new data released by GoDaddy reveals why Americans covet careers driven by computer science.
New data from GoDaddy shows why people covet web designer & developer gigs
In February 2021, GoDaddy released the results of a survey polling 500 web designers and developers. Some 95% of respondents believe their careers are lucrative and secure, noting the best aspects of the job are remote work (61%), the creative aspects (54%), work environment (47%) and pay (45%).

Some of the most interesting data points in the survey reveal where respondents were in their careers prior to getting into web design and development:
- Dental hygienist
- Forestry
- Garbage worker
- Sales at a flower company
- Human resources
- Accounting & bookkeeping
- Storage rental
- Fitness trainer
- Social worker
- Front desk receptionist
Of these individuals, 57.5% said looked to web design and development because they wanted to try something new as a career — and nearly 30% said they were burned out at previous jobs. (A good reason for anyone with website chops to register a .tech domain.)
How GoDaddy welcomes web designers & developers
GoDaddy places a high priority on helping website designers and developers at every stage of their journeys. We've invested significant resources in ways to build a grow a community.
One great example is our recent Expand virtual event. While its date has passed, you can still view recordings of all the great content delivered by industry-leading experts. (Access the Expand recordings here.)
You can also visit our blog, the GoDaddy Garage, which has a space dedicated to the more technical content that’s useful for web designers and developers. Learn new tricks of the trade or share your knowledge as a guest author — it’s well worth the time to read and contribute.
Finally, drop in on the GoDaddy Pro Community to join discussions on getting the most from our products and services — or simply to receive and share advice on career advancement.
* Offer Limitations: In partnership with the Radix Registry, GoDaddy will be donating the proceeds from all new 1st year standard tier .TECH domains from May 5th, 2021 - July 5th, 2021 to® a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by young women and students from other underrepresented groups.
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