Websites + Marketing วิธีใช้

Create blog posts

In a blog post, you write content based around a topic or keywords, format it and add a photo. All that's left is to publish now or schedule it for later. Not sure what to say? Draft versions are saved automatically, so just jot down a quick idea and finish it when you're ready. Remember to add a blog section to your website to display the posts.

This video is part of the How-To series for Using a Blog for Your Business.

  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Scroll to Websites + Marketing and select Manage next to your website to open your site.
  3. In your Dashboard, go to Marketing, then Blog.
  4. Select Create Post.
  5. Now it's time to write your post!
    • Start with the title. It should both contain your main idea keyword and also give readers an idea of the benefit they'll get from reading your article. Your title must be less than 65 characters.
    • Add text. Write in a conversational tone of voice, and use headers to separate ideas. Highlight text to format and link your text.
    • With your cursor in the text area, use the + to add images, video or a divider. Add a stock image or video, or one of your own images or videos. Learn more about creating a professional-looking image.
    • Add your featured image. Not only does it show in your post, but also in the blog section of your website.
    • Pick a category, or add a new category. Categories allow you to create multiple blogs on your site.

    Note: To delete a divider line, select the line and press the Backspace or Delete key on your keyboard.

  6. Once you're ready to share your post with the world, select Publish or Set Publish Date. When the confirmation window appears, you can select View Post to see how it looks to your blog's visitors.

More info

Blog post best practices

These videos are part of the How-To series for Using a Blog for Your Business.