Basic & Pro Reseller Yardım

Add a company name to your reseller storefront

Step 1 of the Basic and Pro Reseller get started series

Congratulations! You’ve taken the first step for your new business. Now, let’s get started! Open your reseller plan and add the company name that will appear on your storefront, customer emails and marketing materials.

  1. Go to your GoDaddy My Products page. You might be prompted to sign in.
  2. Scroll down to All Products and Services and select the arrow Arrow Button next to Reseller to expand the selection.
  3. Select Manage next to your Reseller plan to launch the reseller storefront setup wizard.
  4. Enter your Company Name. This will appear on your storefront and marketing materials.
    • The best names are simple and easy to remember (and pronounce!). Try to avoid phrases that could date your company name (for example, Reseller1999).
    • If you’re not sure what to call your company, don’t worry – what you add here isn’t set in stone. You can change this at any time under Reseller Control Center > Settings > Company Info.
      enter company name
  5. Select a Payee account if prompted. (If you’re not sure whether you’ve already set up a payee account, select Payees from your GoDaddy My Profile page to verify.)

    Note: You can't switch to a different Payee account after completing this section. However, you can update the information in your Payee account whenever you want to.

    • If you haven’t previously set up a Payee account, one will automatically be created for you using your company name and you can continue to the next step.
    • If you’ve already created a payee account, it will automatically default to that account.
    • If you’ve already set up multiple payee accounts, select the account you want to use from the Payee drop-down list.
      payee drop down
  6. Select Next.
  7. Note: We’ll send an email to set the password for your new discount customer account. Once you’ve set your password and created your store, use these new credentials to sign in to your store (just like your customers will) and purchase products at wholesale price. This is separate from your normal GoDaddy sign-in – it’s an account just for your store.